They are connected to the same exact corrupt politicians, the same exact crony insider deals, the same exact beneficiaries, the same exact stock market accounts cluster, the same attendees at the same social events, the same political campaign financiers and the same exact PAC backing members.

This group EXCEEDS the qualifications for a DOJ RICO action by many, many qualification metrics!

And they are the backbone of the US Economy.

The entire country has become a criminal organization and the FBI has the evidence, the US Marshals have the warrants, and the DOJ has the prosecutors.

You are going to need the US Army and the National Guard to keep order.

The whole damn place needs to be busted up, and it all starts right here.

The time has come to end this once and for all.

It's time to kick down the door and take them into custody, and if they resist, to shoot the hell out of them.

You can almost smell the fear in the room.

This is going to be fun.

Your team moves around you, taking positions to cover all exits.

You move forward.

There is a man sitting behind the desk.

He looks familiar.

He speaks.

"I'll go quietly, but I'm allowed one phone call, and I'm going to use that call to ask my attorney to file a lawsuit against you and everyone you care about."

"That's a lot of people. You got enough time left in your life?"

"More than enough. I have a very good lawyer. And you will lose. I will never spend a single day in jail, and you will have ruined your entire career and life. I'm going to make you look like a complete and utter fool. This will not turn out well for you."

"We'll see. But today is the day the game ends."

"If you were a better player, you would know when the game ends, and it is not today. It's not even close. Today is just the first of many rounds where I win and you lose."