- The TV Show 60 Minutes has covered portions of the crimes in the following episodes: THE
- Senior White House staff including Rahm Emanual, Steven Rattner, David Plouffe, Robert
Gibbs, David Axelrod, Jay Carney, Bill Daley, Erick Strickland and others, suddenly quite their
White House and senior agency head jobs, in a bad economy, with no higher paying options.
These departures all happened immediately upon receiving documents from investigators
questioning “The Incident” situation.
- While the Section 136 Law required that applicants were to be reviewed on a “first come/first
served” basis; DOE staff changed the rules, internally, so that favored applicants were reviewed
first. This was a violation of the law.
- Recently acquired “lost” emails show that White House staff ordered “hit-jobs” on reporters
such as Attkisson and Woodward who started to expose issues in the incident and members of
the public in retribution for reporting the crimes. The IRS TARGETING Investigation and sites
such as http://www.paybackpolitics.org have now shown that federal staff have a record of
targeting and attacking the public using government resources. Senators, governors and past
Presidential candidates are prepared to testify to this fact before a Special Prosecutor. The White
House says that its counsel's office was informed of the IRS's targeting of groups in late April,
after earlier saying that it knew that an inspector general's report about the issue was coming but
that it didn't know its findings. “Operation Rushbo” has now been exposed at a White House
coordinated attack task team.
- Tesla, Fisker, Solyndra, Abound, and similar favored applicants, were hand-held through the
DOE process by DOE staff and had little review. Competing applicants received no help from
DOE and were stone-walled and delayed until they went out of business, even though a majority
of them had better positions, metrics, technology, financials, and debt-ratios than Tesla, Fisker,
Solyndra, and Abound.
- Any applicant who questioned, or reported, the DOE process was targeted, delayed, down-
ranked, denied and, in many cases attacked with character assassination, career sabotage and
- Steven Chu, and his staff, ordered applicant submissions delayed and modified by Argonne
Labs and other reviewers, in order to down-grade applicants who were not campaign donors.
- At each federal law enforcement agency, with jurisdiction over this incident, some agents are
working on covering up and some agents are working on prosecution. This has led to a state of
zero-productivity which a Special Prosecutor is needed to break.
- Tesla Motors, Solyndra, Abound and other “CleanTech” DOE funded companies were used as
money-laundering efforts to pass campaign funding through a “skim network”.