FOR ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE FOR THE FBI, GAO AND FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION BUREAU OF COMPETITION TECH TASK FORCE INVESTIGATIONS AND RICO LAWSUITS SEE THE FILES AT: http://tesla-motors-cronyism Joe Simons, FTC chairman Federal Trade Commission Technology Task Force 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20580 BCC: Patricia Galvan, Deputy Assistant Director Mergers Division Krisha Cerilli, Counsel Bruce Hoffman, Division Director Robert Engel, chief spokesman for the Free and Fair Markets Initiative GOP chairman, Joseph Simons Rep. David Cicilline Ed Black, president of the Computer and Communications Industry Association Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center The Open Markets Institute FBI GAO SEC White House National Archives Commissioner Vestager, EU Dear Mr. Simons: Our Alliance of taxpayers and community interest groups applauds your mandate to bring sharper focus to antitrust issues in the tech world. We have pushed hard to get this task-force to fruition and we are excited about it’s potential We look forward to more innovative approaches in pursuing possible antitrust cases in the Silicon Valley sector. Public activist groups have expressed their desire to ensure that FTC investigations are as tough as possible and that the "Task Force" does not become just another taxpayer pacification “9/11 Commission”-type PR shill facade mitigation move. We are informed by lawyers from Mofo, Wilson Sonsini, Covington, Perkins and other tech law firms that Google, Facebook and their associates have already allocated over “ billion dollars per FTC lawyer” in your new task-force to defer, deflect, delay and influence the outcome. Is your task-forced funded and focused to properly take on an organization willing and able to spend “one billion dollars” EACH to buy, delay and obfuscate each of your lawyers and investigators on the task-force? This Federal Trade Commission task force could emerge as a powerful brake on the nation’s internet giants. As the Wall Street Journal has reported: “The Silicon Valley powerhouses have grown through acquisitions and federal regulators have come under fire for failing to rein in what most of the public see as anti-competitive effects from deals such as Facebook Inc.’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram. “We’re thrilled the FTC is engaged,” said Robert Engel, chief spokesman for the Free and Fair Markets Initiative, an activist group that has targeted Inc. for what it views as monopolistic behavior. FTC officials “have a real opportunity, particularly if they focus on the main offenders.” Legal experts said the FTC move suggests the agency could be open to more innovative approaches in pursuing possible antitrust cases in the sector. To an extent, oversight of the sector has been hindered by antitrust rules and enforcement policies designed for an industrial economy. “My view is the agency is more open to that now than at any time” in recent years, said Kevin Arquit, a former director of the FTC competition bureau who’s now at Kasowitz Benson Torres. “What this really does is challenge, are those assumptions true?” Mr. Arquit said some of the agency’s openness to new antitrust solutions on tech issues was likely due to the wide diversity of views among the new commissioners on the five-member FTC, as well as the GOP chairman, Joseph Simons, who he said had “strong views but a real willingness to consider new ideas.” An agency spokesman said that “right now, there is no specific plan to consider or reconsider rules or guidelines as they relate to the technology sector.” The spokesman added that if the agency were to consider changes related to competition rules in the technology sector, “the task force certainly would be consulted, but that is not why the task force was created.” Others said the creation of the task force underscored the agency’s increasing institutional recognition of competition problems in the sector. Still, some FTC critics questioned how aggressive the agency would be, particularly given what they view as its lackluster enforcement record in recent years. Ed Black, president of the Computer and Communications Industry Association, said his group welcomed the creation of the group, hoping it would lead to better understanding of technology-market dynamics. “We look forward to working with the task force to ensure the best outcomes for consumers,” he said. Some tech advocates contend that cracking down on the tech sector could backfire for consumers as well as the economy, stifling innovation and growth. The FTC’s action comes as some consumer advocates—as well as some politicians, particularly on the left—have begun urging breakups of some of the big tech companies, including Facebook. Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said his group was glad to see the FTC’s announcement, but added that the task force “is no substitute for meaningful enforcement.” His group is among a number of activist organizations that have urged the FTC to require breakup of Facebook in response to its privacy missteps. The Open Markets Institute, a group that aims to expose monopolistic practices, called on the agency to “do its job” and enforce antitrust laws against the dominant platforms—Facebook, Google and Amazon. It decried what it termed the agency’s practice of “slapping these companies on the wrist with fines that ultimately do not change their behavior.” Mr. Engel’s group, the Free and Fair Markets Initiative initiative, whose backers include labor and minority groups, is seeking to bring scrutiny to Amazon’s use of its own private-label products that compete with outside vendors on the site...” The problem here cannot be addressed as a piece meal issue. You are dealing with an organized criminal cartel that is every bit as coordinated as ISIS, The Mafia, A drug cartel or any other large mob. Simply looking at a “shadow-banning” or “Deboosting” code from a Facebook or Google back-server has little effect for FTC’s total, and badly needed, regulation in this matter. The problem under FTC’s mandate and under the rules of law for FTC to engage involves not the server room in Mountain View, California. The problem and the crimes center on Sandhill Road in Palo Alto, California. The “AngelGate Scandal” collusion documents and recordings, The “Quail Road” collusion documents and recordings, the “High Tech No-Poaching Class Action Lawsuit” collusion documents and recordings and the attached materials prove the RICO violating Cartel assertions beyond any doubt. Their near ownership of K-Street lobbyist groups and their contracts with EVERY single technology law firm should make you VERY, VERY concerned! We have been inside these companies. We know the founders and executives. We were there before, and during, the formation of these companies. We know why they are REALLY doing what they are doing to the taxpayers! Their intent is criminal. Google and Facebook get quite a bit of transparency avoidance because they imply, themselves, that they are ‘secretly The CIA and The NSA’. In fact, it is widely documented that the CIA and the NSA buy data from these companies and fund their tech projects. In fact Google, Facebook and their Cartel are NOT the CIA or the NSA. They simply ‘whisper-campaign’ this idea to reporters and employees who seem to be a threat. The bare fact of this trick is that Google and Facebook executives want reporters, Congress-people and the public to think that “The CIA or the NSA will secretly kill you if you start looking too close at Google or Facebook”. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jurvetson, Elon Musk, Jared Cohen and David Drummond are the people that promote this BS in order to prevent deep investigations of Facebook and Google! All of the Silicon Valley Companies under investigation by the FTC Task-Force have hired staff from a “non-profit charity” called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel purports to be the “venture capital arm of the CIA”. In fact In-Q-tel is a Democrat-controlled contracting service created by a Silicon Valley game developer: Gilman Louie and James Breyer to cross sell Silicon Valley hype to spy agencies. IN-Q-Tel gave CIA technology, paid for by American taxpayers, to Google and Facebook to profit from. They use that technology to control politics in quid-pro-quo stock market and monopoly manipulation schemes that EXCLUSIVELY benefit only Facebook and Google insiders on Sand Hill Road. We hereby present you with internal videos, documents, public documentary materials and contacts to support these assertions. We will be releasing a series of already prepared reports to you. We swear, warrant and certify that this evidence is accurate to the best of our knowledge.