Social Programming
Are you buying in to the " elite society trap"?
Amber- "Creating an Aryan society is a bad thing that yuppie society groups do to young people to condition them to perform a worker function for corporations by using them in a controlled manner to play out prescribed duties to enrich the bosses and the expense of the souls of the men and women who buy-in."
Randy- "Sororities teach racist, role-manipulated objectified modeling for women which Fraternities teach objectification, manipulation and mercenary life process. Why do we still have them exactly?"
Becky- "Each city has a "Training Ground". The Training Ground (Ie: San Francisco's Marina District) is where fraternity boys and sorority girls live in a cluster so they can reinforce their sense of privilege together. The younger ones go to Chestnut Street, the next older ones (yuppies) to Union St and they move up the hill to Pacific Heights as they get old. When "they" say those areas are "really nice", they mean that there is no cultural diversity and that everyone looks just like them with small sharp facial features and blonde or black hair. They have “business clubs” called which make sure that they only do business with each other and don't mix races or non-frat-house people into business deals. On a Saturday morning, if you go to Rose's Cafe on Union Street, you will see that everyone looks the same, has the same haircut and the same attitude. They have either nordic or mediterranean features with small upturned noses. They raise their eyebrows and exaggerate their facial expressions as often as possible in order to appear to be interesting. They smile at each other but look through those who do not match the profile."
A recent joking notice, posted online, carries much truth in it, relative to social programming:
"Are you a robotic mercenary Stanford Yuppie who needs De-Programming? Were you turned into a robotic San Francisco Marina Yuppie by Stanford brainwashing?
You need to hurry and undo the stereotype externalizations and mental aberrations that Stanford brainwashing may have programmed into you. How do you know if you need such classes? Here are the signs:
1. Do you live in the Marina District in San Francisco? The Marina is where fraternity boys and sorority girls live in a cluster so they can reinforce their sense of privilege together. The younger ones go to Chestnut Street, the next older ones (yuppies) to Union St and they move up the hill to Pacific Heights as they get old. When "they" say those areas are "really nice", they mean that there is no cultural diversity and that everyone looks just like them with small sharp facial features and blonde or black hair. They have “business clubs” called which make sure that they only do business with each other and don't mix races or non-frat-house people into business deals.
2. Are your facial features small in size and perfectly balanced? Have you had plastic surgery to make them look even more so or died your hair and eyebrows to the darkest or lightest colors you can? Equilateral facial features are very important to those of our station.
3. Are your parents rich and did they go to fraternities and sororities?
4. Are you and your frat buddies the only ones able to get money from the venture capitalists for your start-ups because you and they can exchange the secret Stanford handshake?
5. If you are a guy do you see women as objects to be used to demonstrate your position over other men in your Stanford Club?
6. If you are a woman do you sit in your junior league meetings and wonder which Stanford/Guardsman guy you can bag as a husband so you never have to work again? Do you wonder how quick you can get him to have an affair so you can get a great alimony deal?
7. Does the most important location in your life have the word "brewing company" in it's name?
8. Are you unable to interact with humans on a one-to-one basis, must you always be in a group of Stanford people with beers in order to communicate? Can you laugh on que?
9. Do you drive a BMW?
10. Do you have a fanatic interest in sports but can't explain why?
11. Do you judge others mostly by how much money they have? Do you try to appear to have as much money as possible?
12. Do you think Berkeley (Cal) University is a "bunch of filthy hippies"?
13. Do you feel like a robot that was cloned by a machine to support its infrastructure?
14. Do those around you discourage you from dating anyone who does not have the "Stanford Look" or the "Stanford way of thinking"?
15. Did Stanford make you live on campus so you wouldn't cross-breed with any families who were not from the "proper list" of families. Did they do anything possible to keep you from seeing anybody in East Palo Alto?
16. Do you make exaggerated facial expressions of fake interest and false excitement and then does your face suddenly go blank like a robot when you think nobody is looking?"
Randy- "Sororities teach racist, role-manipulated objectified modeling for women which Fraternities teach objectification, manipulation and mercenary life process. Why do we still have them exactly?"
Becky- "Each city has a "Training Ground". The Training Ground (Ie: San Francisco's Marina District) is where fraternity boys and sorority girls live in a cluster so they can reinforce their sense of privilege together. The younger ones go to Chestnut Street, the next older ones (yuppies) to Union St and they move up the hill to Pacific Heights as they get old. When "they" say those areas are "really nice", they mean that there is no cultural diversity and that everyone looks just like them with small sharp facial features and blonde or black hair. They have “business clubs” called which make sure that they only do business with each other and don't mix races or non-frat-house people into business deals. On a Saturday morning, if you go to Rose's Cafe on Union Street, you will see that everyone looks the same, has the same haircut and the same attitude. They have either nordic or mediterranean features with small upturned noses. They raise their eyebrows and exaggerate their facial expressions as often as possible in order to appear to be interesting. They smile at each other but look through those who do not match the profile."
A recent joking notice, posted online, carries much truth in it, relative to social programming:
"Are you a robotic mercenary Stanford Yuppie who needs De-Programming? Were you turned into a robotic San Francisco Marina Yuppie by Stanford brainwashing?
You need to hurry and undo the stereotype externalizations and mental aberrations that Stanford brainwashing may have programmed into you. How do you know if you need such classes? Here are the signs:
1. Do you live in the Marina District in San Francisco? The Marina is where fraternity boys and sorority girls live in a cluster so they can reinforce their sense of privilege together. The younger ones go to Chestnut Street, the next older ones (yuppies) to Union St and they move up the hill to Pacific Heights as they get old. When "they" say those areas are "really nice", they mean that there is no cultural diversity and that everyone looks just like them with small sharp facial features and blonde or black hair. They have “business clubs” called which make sure that they only do business with each other and don't mix races or non-frat-house people into business deals.
2. Are your facial features small in size and perfectly balanced? Have you had plastic surgery to make them look even more so or died your hair and eyebrows to the darkest or lightest colors you can? Equilateral facial features are very important to those of our station.
3. Are your parents rich and did they go to fraternities and sororities?
4. Are you and your frat buddies the only ones able to get money from the venture capitalists for your start-ups because you and they can exchange the secret Stanford handshake?
5. If you are a guy do you see women as objects to be used to demonstrate your position over other men in your Stanford Club?
6. If you are a woman do you sit in your junior league meetings and wonder which Stanford/Guardsman guy you can bag as a husband so you never have to work again? Do you wonder how quick you can get him to have an affair so you can get a great alimony deal?
7. Does the most important location in your life have the word "brewing company" in it's name?
8. Are you unable to interact with humans on a one-to-one basis, must you always be in a group of Stanford people with beers in order to communicate? Can you laugh on que?
9. Do you drive a BMW?
10. Do you have a fanatic interest in sports but can't explain why?
11. Do you judge others mostly by how much money they have? Do you try to appear to have as much money as possible?
12. Do you think Berkeley (Cal) University is a "bunch of filthy hippies"?
13. Do you feel like a robot that was cloned by a machine to support its infrastructure?
14. Do those around you discourage you from dating anyone who does not have the "Stanford Look" or the "Stanford way of thinking"?
15. Did Stanford make you live on campus so you wouldn't cross-breed with any families who were not from the "proper list" of families. Did they do anything possible to keep you from seeing anybody in East Palo Alto?
16. Do you make exaggerated facial expressions of fake interest and false excitement and then does your face suddenly go blank like a robot when you think nobody is looking?"
Here is an actual secret "instruction book" from one of the Sororities at Boston University "social training class":
- Do not support fat people. They are not viable.
- Use make-up to hide your natural non-equilateral aspects.
- Keep the shine down. It is so important to keep the shine down in the ever-troublesome T-zone - the top of your nose and your forehead. While this especially important on a warm day, even the coolest among us may get a little sweaty when faced with public viewing. We do not shine.
- Use make-up to hide skin redness. Learn to embrace your pure white or pure tan skin tone.
- Brush your hair into place. Frizzy or loose hairs can appear messy. On the other hand, the hair should not be apparent--not slicked down thin against the skull and then behind the neck in a ponytail. Never allow Frizz.
- Keep your face in equilibrium. Look at your face in the mirror. That's not actually the face which shows when people look at you. Now stare at your own reflection. After some time your face will reach its "normal" appearance, your "equilibrium" face. Now deactivate your eye region and activate your lip region. Don't clench your teeth; just make sure that your upper and lower jaw molars
touch each other. If you smile with your mouth open, don't let your upper lip expose much of your gums, or let your lower lip cover far over the bottom of your upper teeth. Always smile if your complexion is dark or dull and your smile should be a slight one. At the same time, stress the corners of your eyes and raise your eyebrows a little. Practice this exercise every day before mirror for
a few minutes. Associate with those with equal facial equilibrium.
- Arrange your body three quarters towards others with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the viewer than the other. Women tend to do this naturally, but it's harder for men, who tend to present a square angle front-on to the other because they are animals and like to confront other men. If you turn your head slightly to the side and look straight ahead, you will
appear to be looking straight at the viewer no matter the viewing angle (like George Washington on the US one dollar bill).
- If sitting, slightly angle yourself.
- Lean slightly toward the other person; it adds interest, improves facial definition and helps to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and flabby skin. Just keep your chin tucked down. Yuppies hate flappy chins. Get rid of a double chin. Tilt your head up slightly and try to position yourself so that the other person is a little above, or at, your eye level. This will hide a double chin effectively. You can also put one hand under your chin as though you’re resting your head on your hand (keep the thumb side of your hand out of the other
person's view, if possible). Don't actually rest any weight on the hand, however, or you will push the skin into an unflattering position. Also, try resting your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
- Focus on your posture. Not only does this matter for how others see you but daily good posture makes everything easier in life, including your confidence. Good posture can dramatically improve your appearance in pictures. Sitting or standing up straight will make you look healthier and more alert and, if in a group setting, and more attractive than your slouching companions. Breathe
normally and relax your shoulders. If you usually have bad posture, it may be difficult to stand up straight and not look stiff, so practice this in the mirror, working toward improving your posture in the long term.
- When smiling, try a relaxed closed-mouth smile or an open-mouth smile with the lower lip relaxed and down, not up for a smile that gets oddly narrower toward the middle--practice in front of a mirror. If you know a person is about to look at you, take a deep breath and exhale naturally, relaxing your arms and shoulders. As you exhale, smile or strike whatever pose is appropriate. Don't
hold your breath, either in or out, otherwise you'll appear as though you're tense or suffocating .If you see the other person about to look at you too late, don’t panic and try to strike a pose. Keep doing what you're doing. It may not turn out perfectly, but you’ve got a better chance than if the other person catches you quickly trying to change your facial expression.Relax your lip (mouth) region and don't have any delirious thoughts filled with gloom. It's a natural way to appear fresh and appealing in life.Don't be so relaxed that you appear distracted. Distraction or annoyance always shows to the other person.
- Don't have any tattoos; they just show that you will have sex with anybody or do drugs all the time. If you are a girl you can get a "tramp stamp" as long as it is classy if you are only trying to be a trophy wife so you can divorce and get alimony.
- Do not read the news. It will just upset you. Don't think about upsetting things or it will show on your face and you will be less popular. Do not watch TV news or read the papers. Reading the social columns is essential, though. Know who is hot and who you need to be seen with.
- Smile with your eyes. Nothing projects happiness and beauty like smiling eyes: a happy, somewhat mischievous expression of the eyes. To achieve this effect, ALWAYS imagine that every other person is someone you have a crush on walking into the room. This will create wider open eyes and a relaxed, three-quarter smile. Think about your crush or lover; this will make you blush making your cheeks rosy red. Chances are you unconsciously do this all the time; the trick is to be able to bring it out on demand, so practice the smiling eyes in front of a mirror, and creating a smile "trigger".Fake it till you make it. Pretend like you are hot for everybody no matter how much they disgust you.
- Try to get one eyebrow to go up whenever you pretend to be interested in what others say.
- Watch Jennifer Aniston on TV and copy every facial expression she does. She is the queen of fake facial expression. Do everything she does every chance you get.
If you do these things. Everybody will love you and you will be able to work downtown at an investment bank.
- Do not support fat people. They are not viable.
- Use make-up to hide your natural non-equilateral aspects.
- Keep the shine down. It is so important to keep the shine down in the ever-troublesome T-zone - the top of your nose and your forehead. While this especially important on a warm day, even the coolest among us may get a little sweaty when faced with public viewing. We do not shine.
- Use make-up to hide skin redness. Learn to embrace your pure white or pure tan skin tone.
- Brush your hair into place. Frizzy or loose hairs can appear messy. On the other hand, the hair should not be apparent--not slicked down thin against the skull and then behind the neck in a ponytail. Never allow Frizz.
- Keep your face in equilibrium. Look at your face in the mirror. That's not actually the face which shows when people look at you. Now stare at your own reflection. After some time your face will reach its "normal" appearance, your "equilibrium" face. Now deactivate your eye region and activate your lip region. Don't clench your teeth; just make sure that your upper and lower jaw molars
touch each other. If you smile with your mouth open, don't let your upper lip expose much of your gums, or let your lower lip cover far over the bottom of your upper teeth. Always smile if your complexion is dark or dull and your smile should be a slight one. At the same time, stress the corners of your eyes and raise your eyebrows a little. Practice this exercise every day before mirror for
a few minutes. Associate with those with equal facial equilibrium.
- Arrange your body three quarters towards others with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the viewer than the other. Women tend to do this naturally, but it's harder for men, who tend to present a square angle front-on to the other because they are animals and like to confront other men. If you turn your head slightly to the side and look straight ahead, you will
appear to be looking straight at the viewer no matter the viewing angle (like George Washington on the US one dollar bill).
- If sitting, slightly angle yourself.
- Lean slightly toward the other person; it adds interest, improves facial definition and helps to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and flabby skin. Just keep your chin tucked down. Yuppies hate flappy chins. Get rid of a double chin. Tilt your head up slightly and try to position yourself so that the other person is a little above, or at, your eye level. This will hide a double chin effectively. You can also put one hand under your chin as though you’re resting your head on your hand (keep the thumb side of your hand out of the other
person's view, if possible). Don't actually rest any weight on the hand, however, or you will push the skin into an unflattering position. Also, try resting your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
- Focus on your posture. Not only does this matter for how others see you but daily good posture makes everything easier in life, including your confidence. Good posture can dramatically improve your appearance in pictures. Sitting or standing up straight will make you look healthier and more alert and, if in a group setting, and more attractive than your slouching companions. Breathe
normally and relax your shoulders. If you usually have bad posture, it may be difficult to stand up straight and not look stiff, so practice this in the mirror, working toward improving your posture in the long term.
- When smiling, try a relaxed closed-mouth smile or an open-mouth smile with the lower lip relaxed and down, not up for a smile that gets oddly narrower toward the middle--practice in front of a mirror. If you know a person is about to look at you, take a deep breath and exhale naturally, relaxing your arms and shoulders. As you exhale, smile or strike whatever pose is appropriate. Don't
hold your breath, either in or out, otherwise you'll appear as though you're tense or suffocating .If you see the other person about to look at you too late, don’t panic and try to strike a pose. Keep doing what you're doing. It may not turn out perfectly, but you’ve got a better chance than if the other person catches you quickly trying to change your facial expression.Relax your lip (mouth) region and don't have any delirious thoughts filled with gloom. It's a natural way to appear fresh and appealing in life.Don't be so relaxed that you appear distracted. Distraction or annoyance always shows to the other person.
- Don't have any tattoos; they just show that you will have sex with anybody or do drugs all the time. If you are a girl you can get a "tramp stamp" as long as it is classy if you are only trying to be a trophy wife so you can divorce and get alimony.
- Do not read the news. It will just upset you. Don't think about upsetting things or it will show on your face and you will be less popular. Do not watch TV news or read the papers. Reading the social columns is essential, though. Know who is hot and who you need to be seen with.
- Smile with your eyes. Nothing projects happiness and beauty like smiling eyes: a happy, somewhat mischievous expression of the eyes. To achieve this effect, ALWAYS imagine that every other person is someone you have a crush on walking into the room. This will create wider open eyes and a relaxed, three-quarter smile. Think about your crush or lover; this will make you blush making your cheeks rosy red. Chances are you unconsciously do this all the time; the trick is to be able to bring it out on demand, so practice the smiling eyes in front of a mirror, and creating a smile "trigger".Fake it till you make it. Pretend like you are hot for everybody no matter how much they disgust you.
- Try to get one eyebrow to go up whenever you pretend to be interested in what others say.
- Watch Jennifer Aniston on TV and copy every facial expression she does. She is the queen of fake facial expression. Do everything she does every chance you get.
If you do these things. Everybody will love you and you will be able to work downtown at an investment bank.
Rhonda- I got suckered into this system. Our parents pressure us into the Sororities.The Sorority system has been developed for the purpose of training and pacifying attractive women to act as sexual resources and trophy wives for the rewarding of our male corporate execitive staff and leaders in order to maintain the corporate flow of manpower. At Stanford and Boston U the Frat houses had mini vans that would go around and pick up loads of girls from the houses to take to the guys so they could get them drunk and date rape them. It is known by the Deans and not only tolerated, but encouraged, because " we have to keep the boys happy." .
Rhonda- I got suckered into this system. Our parents pressure us into the Sororities.The Sorority system has been developed for the purpose of training and pacifying attractive women to act as sexual resources and trophy wives for the rewarding of our male corporate execitive staff and leaders in order to maintain the corporate flow of manpower. At Stanford and Boston U the Frat houses had mini vans that would go around and pick up loads of girls from the houses to take to the guys so they could get them drunk and date rape them. It is known by the Deans and not only tolerated, but encouraged, because " we have to keep the boys happy." .
Ladies: Don't be this person:
Men: Don't be this person:
Men: Don't be this person: