Discovery Channel’s Science of Sex Appeal- Cliff Notes:
- Social, media and genetic programming makes you do things you do not mean to do in the dating process. To be successful in dating you have to actually NOT go with your “intuition” or “first impressions” because science now shows us that it is a TRICK. Science now shows that reacting to pictures only, online, will only get you great sex and NEVER get you a deep or long lasting relationship.
- You will not pick a person whose eye separation and distance from nose to brow is not the same as yours unless you consciously make yourself only look at the person in profile view. You unconsciously judge attraction based on equilateral positioning of all facial elements and geometric distances between points on the face.
- Women are generally repelled by men’s scent (except when they are within a day or two of ovulation)...
- One research study illustrated that women tend to choose partners based on status or resources as a priority. Groups of women, selected at random, were shown photos of similarly dressed men of relatively equal attractiveness. Following a baseline numerical rating of attractiveness, later groups were shown the same pictures, but with an indication of social and economic status -- five- or six-figure incomes. The attractiveness ratings rose or fell significantly in direct correlation to perceived income level. Men put fins and flames on their cars and wear giant watches in order to create status-attraction to attract women.
- When women are ovulating; their voices change to a higher pitch to attract men, their skin tone changes to attract men, their pelvic muscles tighten to create a shimmier walk, they interpret smells different and they output different kinds of attracting odors.
- The more a man sways his shoulders in a swager, the more women will be attracted to him. The more a woman sways her hips, the more men will be attracted to her.
- And the science of partner selection continues with human odor as a factor. Couples can discern the special smell of their partner. Every man has a unique smell -- 'eau de man.' Research has demonstrated that odor affects us at a subconscious level. We can't control it. No two people smell the same or have the same ‘HMC’, as it is called. There is an optimum match for HMC.
- Women are generally repelled by men’s scent (except when they are within a day or two of ovulation); but men, when exposed to vaginal secretions, are consistently attracted. In experiments where men inhale imperceptible low doses of artificial copulants, the attractiveness rating of women shown in pictures is higher. Copulants impair men’s ability to discriminate whether a woman is attractive. The scent of copulants prevents them from thinking clearly. (Odor also helps us steer clear of relatives and has performed the evolutionary role of "incest avoidance.")
- With chemistry-inspired flirting, lust, and love all continuously active below our level of consciousness, can we maintain attraction to one partner? Attraction has many stages, beginning with a single biochemical jolt resulting in a change reaction. Anecdotal reports indicate the ‘first kiss’ is highly memorable in the attraction that builds (or fails to build). The abundant testosterone in saliva increases the sex drive.
- Men are genetically programmed at the core of their genes for tens of millions of years to sleep with as many women as possible in order to keep the species going. Just as women are programmed to want a baby like crazy as soon as they turn 18. A good college education or strict parents are not going to change this. Recent science has found a shot that can cause monogamy in men and a shot that can cause baby anxiety reduction in women.
- Even more sex appeal chemistry influences occur through the dopamine triggered in our brains. Dopamine is the brain’s pleasure chemical that produces a high that can be addictive, energy producing, and exhilarating. Biochemistry shows the link between dopamine and testosterone with exhilaration and lust. But dopamine is not uniquely linked to sex appeal. The thrill of sports, bungee jumping for instance, can produce a dopamine rush. What about love?
- Many of our unconscious preferences and behaviors are conditioned by our chemistry. Studies report that women find slightly feminized pictures of the same man more attractive when they are not ovulating. Married women are biologically driven to promiscuous behavior as reported by an experiment based on digital movies of the female participants dancing during a "girls’ night out." The women with long term partners and on their fertility cycles were the most provocative. This was concluded from movement and appearance analyzed through pixels and an estimated percentage of skin showing. These committed women sent out more sexual signals than the available ones. In contrast, other research pinpoints the role of the chemical oxcytocin in monogamy for women.
- Many of our unconscious preferences and behaviors are conditioned by our chemistry. Studies report that women find slightly feminized pictures of the same man more attractive when they are not ovulating. Married women are biologically driven to promiscuous behavior as reported by an experiment based on digital movies of the female participants dancing during a "girls’ night out." The women with long term partners and on their fertility cycles were the most provocative. This was concluded from movement and appearance analyzed through pixels and an estimated percentage of skin showing. These committed women sent out more sexual signals than the available ones. In contrast, other research pinpoints the role of the chemical oxcytocin in monogamy for women.
- The science on sexual attraction claims that evolution prepares us to stay together just long enough to raise children. One study across 58 societies demonstrated a dual reproductive system going from pair bonding to straying at about the four-year mark in a relationship. The study conclusion: we are fundamentally built to stray. Does this mean that our exhilarating experience of early love is destined to be undermined by our inherent biology? Will we always fail at long-term love?
- Science claims that the chemistry of passion, lust, and love bind us together for a limited period of time. Haven't most of us figured that out at a personal level? My observation is we already know we need to build for the future before the reality storm hits. Yet many of us neglect our marriages and relationships anyway. Over focus on careers or children, and overindulging in our selfish habits through individual use of time frequently lead to rampant neglect of our partners. Science help us?
- It takes just three minutes to fall in love, scientists revealed today. What the heart wants, it can establish fairly quickly, according to American psychologists who studied the behaviour of 10,500 newly-introduced couples. “Some people say they’re looking for one kind of person, then choose another. Others say they don’t even know what they’re looking for,” said Robert Kurzban of the University of Pennsylvania. “But our data suggest that, however it happens, people know it quickly when they see it.” He claimed would-be lovers generally understand their own worth on the dating market, and so are able to judge potential compatibility within moments of meeting. Psychologists analysed the interactions between speed-dating participants, where men and women are given just three minutes to assess each other before moving on to the next person. At the end of a session each individual indicates which of the 25 or so people he or she met they would like to see again. “Although they had three minutes, most participants made their decision based on the information that they probably got in the first three seconds,” Kurzban said. “Somewhat surprisingly, factors that you might think would be really important to people, like religion, education and income, played very little role in their choices.” Psychologists have often likened relationships to transactions whereby people select mates based on the qualities their other half has to offer, such as power and money. But Kurzban’s data reveals that when people meet face-to-face, things like smoking preferences and bank accounts are not of great importance. Actual behaviour is worth more than stated beliefs, he said, particularly in the case of speed-dating when participants do not want to risk a bad date and so have more incentive to follow their hearts and desires. The researchers caution that speed dating is not necessarily typical of how people usually interact. Their findings will be published in US journal Evolution and Human Behaviour."
Paul- "Dating" is partially about sex? Didn’t you learn this in high school or college? There isn’t a single thing that you do in dating that you don’t already do with your friends except:
A. Have sex
B. Get free dinners
Susan- "Stanford, Berkeley and MIT studies show that 30% of the first 4 weeks of dating are sex. It drops to a much smaller % after marriage.There isn’t any other purpose for it. It was created by social and church leaders to create more workers for the factories and more believers to pay into the church coffers. So, If you are a good republican and want to supportindustry and church you will want to date and have sex. If you are a good democrat and you believe in happiness and fulfillment of human potential then you will want to date and have sex. So if one is "dating" or advertising their willingness to date on global dating sites, one would presume that they get the concept that dating is about, leads to, is focused on and drives towards sex. Dating is a staged series of routines you would never do with your friends. It causes you to act abnormal. Do your friends walk on the "horse side of the street"?, Do you friends put you through an evaluation system when you meet their friends? The only differential is the sex followed by the transactional nature of the women expecting the man to pay for everything."
Paula- "Everyone likes sex except the repressed, so you should enjoy it as soon as you can. Do you want to look back and say: "oh, I really missed out and now my life is over"?… That doesn’t sound very fun."
So you can use surgery to try to create what you think is "sex appeal" but....