How people dated before the 60's:
"My mother always said: Be a "creature unlike any other.* Be confident. Act "as if..." * Carry yourself with dignity * Do your best to correct appearance flaws, but don't dwell on them. * Be sweet and light * Be restrained and courteous ""Don't talk to a man first, and don't ask him to dance first.* Don't hang around him, hoping he'll ask you to dance ""Don't stare at men or talk too much* Smile at the room in general ""Don't meet him halfway or go dutch""Don't call him and rarely return his calls* If he leaves a message on your answering machine to call him - don't * If he only calls on your answering machine, turn it off * If a man calls you on Friday night, don't answer - use your answering machine or caller ID ""Always end calls first.* Limit phone calls to about ten minutes * Don't let him put you on hold. If he does, hang up . Don't accept a date for Saturday night after Wednesday, Fill up your time before a date. On dates 1, 2, and 3, dress nice, be nice, good-bye and go home.* Don't fantasize before the date * Treat it like a business appointment * Be nonchalant/non-committal * Play it safe. This man is still a stranger * Time Limits: o Meet for a drink: 2 hrs o Dinner or movie: 4 hrs. Behave from date 4 to commitment* Don't get too heavy about your feelings * Keep unpleasant life issues to yourself * Don't go into details about very personal subjects * Act independent 11. Always end the date first* If he gets rude or hurtful on a date, don't try to work it out. Leave immediately . Stop dating him if he doesn't buy you a romantic gift on your birthday or valentine's day. Don't see him more than once or twice a week.* If you're engaged, you may date up to 3-4 times a week . No casual kissing on the first date.. No sex before marriage* Don't rush into intimate contact while dating . Don't tell him what to do. Let him take the lead in the relationship. Don't say, "I love you," until he says, "I love you," first. Don't expect a man to change, or try to change him.* You can't treat a man like you treat your girlfriends * Don't try to get them to talk about their feelings.* Immediately dump any guy who doesn't treat you well .. Don't open up too fast.. Be honest, but mysterious. Don't let a man know about the Rules.. Accentuate the positive in you. Wear clothes that accentuate your best features. Be cheerful and optimistic .* Get a life * Try to find fun alternatives to the "bar scene" * Take advantage of personal ads, dating pages, and internet services, but always be positive in posted ads. . Don't live with a man (or leave things in his apartment). Don't even think about dating a married man.. Slowly involve him in your family
* Don't introduce him to your family until he introduces you to his."
" Practice, practice, practice! Get good at the Rules. Go to as many social events and interesting public activities as possible. * If you don't have a date on Friday night, go to some public place or event. * Don't be afraid to go solo * When you meet a really attractive man, stay focused on the Rules . Even if you're engaged or married, you still need the Rules* Engagement is not equivalent to commitment * For a man, putting the ring on the finger and saying "I do" is commitment Do the Rules, even when you're friends and family think it's nuts. Be Smart, and use the Rules while dating in High School. If you have acne, do whatever it takes to get rid of it.
* If you have extra money, spend it on quality makeup and nice clothes. * If you have a crush on a boy, dress feminine and let him make the first move. Don't be loud or try to get his attention. * Get in the habit of attending social events, but don't act bored or nervous. * Don't have sex with boys. * Don't smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs. * Stay active in sports. * If a boy doesn't ask you to the Prom, don't ask him. Go with someone who asks you or go with a group. "
"Take care of yourself, and use the Rules for dating in College* Don't hang around, fruitlessly hoping some guy will notice you.
* Play it safe. Just because they're college guys doesn't mean they'll behave * Concentrate on your studies * Eat healthy
* Wear makeup and be fashionable and feminine * Be involved in interesting extracurricular activities * If you don't have a date on Friday and Saturday night, get out and socialize * Get serious about your career goals. Nobody wants a loser . Next! and other Rules for dealing with rejection* Don't personalize or blow a breakup out of proportion. * Don't console yourself by eating. * Get dressed up, put on your makeup, and go to the very next social event in town * Don't lose your cool about him. Get over it * Say "His loss" and "Next!" . Don't ever discuss the Rules with your therapist* They don't live in the real world, so they just wouldn't understand . Don't ever break the Rules* If you do break the Rules with a man, be prepared to write him off as a lost cause * Don't dwell on the ones you may have lost by following the Rules, they aren't worth it. "
"Do the Rules and you'll live happily ever after.* Even if you don't get married right away, you'll be happier and more relaxed in your single life. Love only those who love you.* You can afford to be picky * You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity
* Immediately dump any guy who doesn't treat you well. . Be easy to live with* Don't whine. * See a professional to help you with your neuroses "