In online dating, are women just money-seeking gold-diggers and men just looking for sex?
The answers is both yes, and no!
#1: Because the odds of getting sex are increased 100 times by using internet dating sites, and men are driven by sex, men learn that if they keep at it, they will eventually get 100 times more sex than if they didn't use online dating.
Because highly attractive women learn that they can bargain for rewards from a massive pool of applicants, they rapidly develop a market-driven demand for the best restaurants, best gifts, best concerts and best purchased date experiences.
It is all about massive numbers which shift things in tiny amounts that are not noticeable to most people. "Nice girls" become "Whores" without noticing the tiny changes that move them from one to the other.
"Nice guys" become "Perverts and Players" without noticing the tiny changes that move them from one to the other.
#2: On top of that, most highly attractive profiles online are fake. They are hired fake people, working for big corporate dating mills, pretending to be interested in you to keep you in the site's membership group. Of course they will always be on a two week trip, or have family in for two weeks, or have some other story to grab your attention and think the site is working but not be available. The scam is designed so you will think there is action but forget about them after the two weeks is up. If someone can't find 30 minutes for a coffee date with you within 5 days, they are fake. Report them. The fake profiles harden both men and women and cause them to double-down on their mercenary tactics. If someone hasn't put a date and time on the calendar for a first meeting, within a few days of contact, you may be getting Played.
#3: Men and women have two totally different biological brain structures and thinking process. SEE THESE science studies. This causes men and women to interpret the words of each gender in different ways. In internet dating you use brief text and short text based communication which is interpreted one way by men and a different way by women. Online, people tend to assume the worst of all possible assumptions relative to the meaning of a phrase because the internet is an "untrusted society". Many people are looking for validation of their negative fears about the opposite sex and find the worst of intentions in the shortest of texts. This increases the assumption of predatory behavior online. Many people do not have the skills to see many possible meanings. This makes meeting in person, ASAP, critical in online dating.
#1: Because the odds of getting sex are increased 100 times by using internet dating sites, and men are driven by sex, men learn that if they keep at it, they will eventually get 100 times more sex than if they didn't use online dating.
Because highly attractive women learn that they can bargain for rewards from a massive pool of applicants, they rapidly develop a market-driven demand for the best restaurants, best gifts, best concerts and best purchased date experiences.
It is all about massive numbers which shift things in tiny amounts that are not noticeable to most people. "Nice girls" become "Whores" without noticing the tiny changes that move them from one to the other.
"Nice guys" become "Perverts and Players" without noticing the tiny changes that move them from one to the other.
#2: On top of that, most highly attractive profiles online are fake. They are hired fake people, working for big corporate dating mills, pretending to be interested in you to keep you in the site's membership group. Of course they will always be on a two week trip, or have family in for two weeks, or have some other story to grab your attention and think the site is working but not be available. The scam is designed so you will think there is action but forget about them after the two weeks is up. If someone can't find 30 minutes for a coffee date with you within 5 days, they are fake. Report them. The fake profiles harden both men and women and cause them to double-down on their mercenary tactics. If someone hasn't put a date and time on the calendar for a first meeting, within a few days of contact, you may be getting Played.
#3: Men and women have two totally different biological brain structures and thinking process. SEE THESE science studies. This causes men and women to interpret the words of each gender in different ways. In internet dating you use brief text and short text based communication which is interpreted one way by men and a different way by women. Online, people tend to assume the worst of all possible assumptions relative to the meaning of a phrase because the internet is an "untrusted society". Many people are looking for validation of their negative fears about the opposite sex and find the worst of intentions in the shortest of texts. This increases the assumption of predatory behavior online. Many people do not have the skills to see many possible meanings. This makes meeting in person, ASAP, critical in online dating.