Who pays for things on a date?
According to: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/08/14/study-men-want-women-to-chip-in-on-dates-but-are-afraid-to-ask/
society now thinks either both should pay, or you should do something that is free the first time, if it is an internet date because of the particular problems with internet dating.
Readers say:
Susan- "My mom taught me that a man pays if he respects you."
Paula- "Because men seem to think that internet dating women just use them for money and go from man-to-man, night-after-night and lunch-after-lunch getting free food, WOMAN on the internet should NOW always invite the man to the first dinner and pay for it with the waiter before the bill even comes, so the man is not put in the embarrassing situation of arguing over who pays. He will hate that. THEN, the man pays for the dinners after that first dinner if it all works out."
Mata- "Womens lib happened. Respect it. Everything is 50/50 now, especially since women online are such incredible users."
Andrew- "The internet draws all of the gold-diggers and money grubbers out of the wood-work. Any girl that is at all cute on an online dating site has a different guy buying her dinner every night. You are just part of the feeding-frenzy. Do you want to throw a hundred bucks away tonite on some gal you will never see again in your life who is only going to end up with the richest guy. (Unless you ARE the richest guy). Unless sex is gauranteed, do coffee for the first dates until she has picked you. "
Roger- "There is this certain group of women you see in online dating, mostly in Marin County and the Hamptons; these types are materialistic, entitled, rude, trophy wife, career-less people who just got divorced from a millionaire who bought them a big house. They went to an ivy-league school to get a man and are now on the hunt again. You must be very careful of these Kardashian-esque user-people. If they have lots of facade-ware in their profile pictures and talk about "nice things" then you have your red flags."
Susan- "the Bottom line is that internet men use women for sex and internet women use men for cash. The women are going out with a different guy each night. The men buy dinner in order to sit next to a cute girl that night. That is how it works, it is no more complicated than that. Use a condom. All your friends are doing it. You can live a lonely righteous life or you can LIVE."
Robert- "In the Bay Area we have Mill Valley/Tiburon/Sausalito. All the single ladies there just got divorced from a millionaire that realized they were gold-digging. Read the divorce lawsuits at San Rafael Civic Center, they all say this. In Mill Valley the entire hill above the Goodmans Hardware is called "Divorce Hill" because it is where they send them to hunt for a new target that is "financially secure" as they say in their ads. They are so elitist and racist as they hunt for their new millionaire. You can always get a dinner with them, they look like fashion models, but if you keep them it will cost you your soul and your bank account forever. It is so frightening that they have it all systemized like a man-conveyer belt. It is so hard to date these bad kind of girls near these high-ticket areas because they are used to living with a millionaire and getting unlimited meal tickets"
Susie-" People with kids are able to date just as much as people without kids if they have a balanced life. Most single parents are able to get 3 full nights a week totally to themselves. If you can’t pull this off, talk to a parent who does to figure it out. Don’t discuss emotional topics in email with someone you have never met. On spending money: Women expect men to pay and men expect women to practice the “womens liberation” they fought for. Women want proof of stability and men want sexual reciprocation. Men get burned out buying a string of meals for strangers they will never see again. Men feel used and women feel diminished if the man doesn’t pay…This is the hardest subject in dating. Manage expectations on this from the beginning. Dating math = To find a great marital partner you will spend the rest of your life with you need to meet at least 1000 people. To find a great LTR dating partner you need to meet at least 150. 99% of these meetings will not work out. If a guy meets one person a day for a month and the cost of food, parking & misc. adds up to $95/night then he has to spend nearly $3000.00 a month just to see if there is a chance. If the lady says to the man that "Her mom taught her that the man must always pay", or "she was raised in the South", or 'She was brought up to let the man be the provider", in a recession. How do you think this makes the guys feel? Avoid dinners for the first few dates or agree to Dutch treat unless you both are looking for a trophy-partner or transactional-sexual relationship."
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According to: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/08/14/study-men-want-women-to-chip-in-on-dates-but-are-afraid-to-ask/
society now thinks either both should pay, or you should do something that is free the first time, if it is an internet date because of the particular problems with internet dating.
Readers say:
Susan- "My mom taught me that a man pays if he respects you."
Paula- "Because men seem to think that internet dating women just use them for money and go from man-to-man, night-after-night and lunch-after-lunch getting free food, WOMAN on the internet should NOW always invite the man to the first dinner and pay for it with the waiter before the bill even comes, so the man is not put in the embarrassing situation of arguing over who pays. He will hate that. THEN, the man pays for the dinners after that first dinner if it all works out."
Mata- "Womens lib happened. Respect it. Everything is 50/50 now, especially since women online are such incredible users."
Andrew- "The internet draws all of the gold-diggers and money grubbers out of the wood-work. Any girl that is at all cute on an online dating site has a different guy buying her dinner every night. You are just part of the feeding-frenzy. Do you want to throw a hundred bucks away tonite on some gal you will never see again in your life who is only going to end up with the richest guy. (Unless you ARE the richest guy). Unless sex is gauranteed, do coffee for the first dates until she has picked you. "
Roger- "There is this certain group of women you see in online dating, mostly in Marin County and the Hamptons; these types are materialistic, entitled, rude, trophy wife, career-less people who just got divorced from a millionaire who bought them a big house. They went to an ivy-league school to get a man and are now on the hunt again. You must be very careful of these Kardashian-esque user-people. If they have lots of facade-ware in their profile pictures and talk about "nice things" then you have your red flags."
Susan- "the Bottom line is that internet men use women for sex and internet women use men for cash. The women are going out with a different guy each night. The men buy dinner in order to sit next to a cute girl that night. That is how it works, it is no more complicated than that. Use a condom. All your friends are doing it. You can live a lonely righteous life or you can LIVE."
Robert- "In the Bay Area we have Mill Valley/Tiburon/Sausalito. All the single ladies there just got divorced from a millionaire that realized they were gold-digging. Read the divorce lawsuits at San Rafael Civic Center, they all say this. In Mill Valley the entire hill above the Goodmans Hardware is called "Divorce Hill" because it is where they send them to hunt for a new target that is "financially secure" as they say in their ads. They are so elitist and racist as they hunt for their new millionaire. You can always get a dinner with them, they look like fashion models, but if you keep them it will cost you your soul and your bank account forever. It is so frightening that they have it all systemized like a man-conveyer belt. It is so hard to date these bad kind of girls near these high-ticket areas because they are used to living with a millionaire and getting unlimited meal tickets"
Susie-" People with kids are able to date just as much as people without kids if they have a balanced life. Most single parents are able to get 3 full nights a week totally to themselves. If you can’t pull this off, talk to a parent who does to figure it out. Don’t discuss emotional topics in email with someone you have never met. On spending money: Women expect men to pay and men expect women to practice the “womens liberation” they fought for. Women want proof of stability and men want sexual reciprocation. Men get burned out buying a string of meals for strangers they will never see again. Men feel used and women feel diminished if the man doesn’t pay…This is the hardest subject in dating. Manage expectations on this from the beginning. Dating math = To find a great marital partner you will spend the rest of your life with you need to meet at least 1000 people. To find a great LTR dating partner you need to meet at least 150. 99% of these meetings will not work out. If a guy meets one person a day for a month and the cost of food, parking & misc. adds up to $95/night then he has to spend nearly $3000.00 a month just to see if there is a chance. If the lady says to the man that "Her mom taught her that the man must always pay", or "she was raised in the South", or 'She was brought up to let the man be the provider", in a recession. How do you think this makes the guys feel? Avoid dinners for the first few dates or agree to Dutch treat unless you both are looking for a trophy-partner or transactional-sexual relationship."
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